Lisa Akesson Blogs2021-02-23T18:31:54+00:00


Here you will find an increasing number of blog posts related to my services and the continual development of communication across the world.

Are you creating a Positive and Memorable Virtual Presence?

I don’t know about you but many of my clients are getting virtual fatigue as they move from one meeting to another unaware if they are really making the impact they want and fully landing their message.I thought I would [...]

September 12th, 2020|Appearance, Body Language, Communication, Covid, Virtual Presence|

Is your Presence creating a positive first Impression?

Successful communication creates powerful relationships and business opportunities. Studies by Professor Alex Todorov from Princeton University shows that it takes no more than a tenth of a second to make a first impression when reading people’s faces. We look to [...]

The power of face-to-face communication in a technological world

We live in a world where we spend vast amounts of time communicating via e-mails, text messages, phones, teleconferencing and social media to our seniors, colleagues, clients and customers. Whilst the digital age may enable us to connect more quickly [...]

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